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  • How Much Do You Know About CPR?

    Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in adults in the U.S. Knowing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) may help you save the life of someone who goes into cardiac arrest. Test your knowledge about CPR with this quiz.

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  • Recipe: Mushroom Barley Soup

    Fill up with this hearty and simple soup. Make sure to use quick-cooking “pearled” barley.

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  • Scratch Out Dry, Itchy Skin

    Dry skin is a common problem. It can make your skin feel irritated and itchy. Here's how to fight back and when to seek help.

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Could your diet use a nutritional tune-up? A healthful diet has many benefits and it doesn’t have to be bland and boring. Add color to your plate with fresh fruit and vegetables, choose whole grains and low-fat dairy, and keep an eye on your portion size. Aim for balance, variety, flexibility and moderation.
Neuroscience focuses on your brain and nervous system, which make up your body’s complex and marvelous command center.
Children's Health
Children's Health
You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities.

    Burns can occur anytime of year, but the summertime can hold special hazards because many of us are outdoors doing yard work, grilling or boating. More than a million burn injuries occur each year, Introduction: What Do You Know About Burns?

    Your target heart rate is the range at which sustained physical activity - running, cycling, swimming laps, or any other aerobic exercise - is considered safe and effective.

    This assessment is valid for women between the ages of 21 and 69 who have had sexual intercourse at least once and who have not had a hysterectomy with removal of the cervix.


      Follow the steps in this video when you need to get out of bed after a hip replacement.

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